Eurosuperalloys 2014


After the first European Symposium which took place in Germany in 2010, the second European Symposium has been organized in France, on the French Riviera, in Giens on May 12-16, 2014. The main aim was to highlight new initiatives and future growth opportunities for Ni and Co base superalloys.

Specifically, recent advances in the understanding of their performance behaviour and processing which justify their economic integration into an increasing number of industrial systems.

In addition to the usual topics (e.g. mechanical properties, alloy development, in-service degradation…), special attention has been paid to modelling tools which enable the prediction of mechanical behaviour as a function of the processing parameters and the implementation of microstructure-sensitive models to develop higher performing materials through improved engineering processing.


SF2M-Société Francaise de Métallurgie et de Matériaux
28, rue Saint-Dominique
75007 Paris
Tél : (+33) /0 1 46 33 08 00 Fax : 01 46 33 08 80
Courriel : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Program Committee

Jean-Yves GUÉDOU, Snecma – Groupe SAFRAN, France


Nathalie BOZZOLO, Mines ParisTech – CEMEF, France

Pierre CARON, ONERA, France

Jeanne CHONÉ, SF2M, France

Jonathan CORMIER, ISAE-ENSMA – Institut Pprime, France

Stefan DRAWIN, ONERA, France

Jörg ESSLINGER, MTU Aeroengines, Germany

Mark HARDY, Rolls-Royce, UK

Martin HEILMAIER, KIT Karlsruhe, Germany

Philippe HÉRITIER, Aubert & Duval – Groupe Eramet, France

Loïc NAZÉ, Mines ParisTech – CDM, France

Antoine ORGANISTA, Turbomeca – Groupe SAFRAN, France

Cathie RAE,Cambridge University – RR University Center

Roger REED, Oxford University, UK

Hubert SCHAFF, Aubert & Duval – Groupe Eramet, France

Robert SINGER, Erlangen University, Germany

Patrick VILLECHAISE, ISAE-ENSMA – Institut Pprime, France

International Committee

E. BALIKCI, Bogazici Univ – Turkey

K. BHANU SANKHARARAO, Hyderabad – India


T. ETTER, Alstom Power – Switzerland

L. GETSOV, St Petersburg State University – Russia


C. O’BRIEN, ATI Allvac – USA

T. POLLOCK, University of California Santa Barbara – USA

S. SABBADINI, Avio Aero – Italy

J. SIENIAWSKI, Rzeszow Technical University – Poland

G. SJOBERG, GKN Aerospace – Sweden

M. STOCKINGER, Böhler – Austria

J.-L. STRUDEL, Mines ParisTech – France

J. SVOBODA, Academy of Sciences Brno – Czech Republic

J. ZHANG, Institute of Metal Research – China
